Charles Weidman Dance Foundation

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Resources and Video

Branches from Easter Oratorio

Fugue from Easter Oratorio


Weidman Technique Class

Charles Weidman On His Own Documentary

41EgmbkTl0L._SL500_AA300_Looking for more information on Charles Weidman? You can purchase the documentary Charles Weidman On His Own at Dance Horizons. The career of modern dance pioneer Charles Weidman (1901-1975) is traced from his roots in Lincoln, Nebraska, to the last work he choreographed in 1974; through his period as performer with Denishawn and his renowned association with Doris Humphrey to the last thirty years on his own. Along the way we are given an image of Weidman’s personality: his charm and wit, his warmth and humanity. He talks about his own career, and he teaches a class in Kinetic Pantomime. The basics of Humphrey-Weidman technique are explained and demonstrated. Included are early film clips of Weidman dancing with Doris Humphrey and with members of their company. Among the contemporary performances are Lynchtown, Men’s Dance from New Dance and excerpts from On My Mother’s Side, Flickers, Brahms Waltzes, and Christmas Oratorio. Produced by The Charles Weidman Dance Foundation, Inc. Directed by Virginia Brooks and Janet Mendelsohn Copyright © 1990 by The Charles Weidman Dance Foundation.

Books on Charles Weidman

Check out these books for more information on Charles Weidman!

Reclaiming Charles Weidman (1901-1975), An American Dancer’s Life and Legacy by Jonette Lancos, copyright Jonette Lancos 2007, published by The Edwin Mellen Press
Transformations,The Humphrey-Weidman Era, A Memoir by Eleanor King, copyright Eleanor King 1978, published by Dance Horizons
The Dance Makers, Conversations with American Choreographers by Elinor Rogosin, copyright Elinor Rogosin 1980, published by Walker & Co.

Weidman Technique Master Class

Interested in learning Charles Weidman technique? Want to share the founding principles of American modern dance with your students? Contact the Foundation at for more information on holding master classes in Weidman technique!